Top tips for presenting your textile art

Top tips for presenting your textile art Mounting and framing I love mounting my artwork on textured cotton rag paper because you can easily stitch into it (it’s made of cotton pulp rather than wood pulp) and has a tactile feel that adds more texture. Before mounting my piece, I neaten the edges by trimming […]

Being shortlisted for the RA Summer Exhibition 2024!

Being shortlisted for the RA Summer Exhibition 2024! As an artist, there’s a lot of bravery in putting yourself forward for exhibitions. In an ideal world, we’d all get accepted all the time, but in reality, there’s a whole lot of rejection. And that’s okay! The real strength is being able to pick yourself up […]

How to blur the scope of textile art in your work

How to blur the scope of textile art in your work There are so many artists using so many different techniques, materials and processes that the scope of what’s considered ‘textile art’ is starting to blur. More and more artists are using mixed media techniques to create their artworks – you can too!  Attitudes to […]

9 ways to make your own creative space (even if it’s tiny)

9 ways to make your own creative space (even if it’s tiny) Making a permanent area where you can be creative can feel like a big commitment, especially if you haven’t got lots of space at home… But, having to unpack everything then tidy it all away again at the end of your creative session […]

Free motion embroidery for textile art – my top tips

Free motion embroidery for textile art – my top tips When I’m teaching free motion embroidery in textile art there are questions that come up again and again. I hope this summary of my tips and guidance will give you the confidence to have a go, find your style and get results you love. I’ve […]

Six easy ways to find art inspiration in nature

Six easy ways to find art inspiration in nature Does being in nature make your heart sing? Are you seeking ways to truly connect with nature and find inspiration for your art? These six exercises will allow you to tune into the colours, shapes and textures of the outside world. Whenever I try them, I […]

How to begin every textile art project with confidence

Recommended suppliers for textile art

How to begin every textile art project with confidence As a textile art teacher, I often see people getting ‘stuck’ with their art making. They’ll get off to an enthusiastic start, then begin to doubt themselves. Unsure how to move forward, they grind to a halt and unfinished projects pile up. Does this feel like […]

How to create textile art – let’s get started

How to create textile art – let’s get started If you’re new to mixed media, and wondering how to create textile art, I hope you’re feeling excited. Playing with paint, layering fabrics, stitching with thread – there are so many creative opportunities ahead of you! Here, I’ve brought together all my top tips for getting […]